Monday 29 December 2008

48. Murphy's Law

Friends & Family
"If anything can go wrong, it will"...

one of the would-be-learnt topic in the subject Human Factors in near future

Yeah, true. Anything. Everything. Any time. Every time.

So the talk of having a Kerachut was long started and the plan was to take place in this end time of the year. In less than 24 hours, the subject was brought up before we went swimming. This time: Hooi, Khang Yang, Daniel, Ye-Wheen and Jonathan with only 4 goggles. So we agreed. Spontaneous last minute conception of a wonderful and blissful hiking beach trip. That was the way to organize a Kerachut trip since 3 years ago. HAHA. My first time was with the Sea Scouts back in 2003.

Then the 2nd came when Mr. KY suddenly called in the midnight in the end of year 2006. The idea came from his brother. Ok, 2 days later then we went. The 3rd trip took place just like hmm...April this year, 8 months ago with Jon, YW and Hooi and of course the mother/father of Kerachut plan, Mr. KY.

That one was a special occurrence. Hah. It was planned already in advance a week earlier. But due to something I have forgotten about plus the day before the plan Jon, Hooi and I hiked and we're were like so tired and felt bored about the plan so we called it off, ourselves. Then came YW who actually cancelled off his appointments and other plans before going back to KL just to join in the trip admitted about the mentioned thing. I was deeply feeling guilty and with friendship spirit and luckily-good motivation-ed sportsman brought back the plan and called it ON again. hoho we sure had fun.

And ok the 4th. It was like 10 hours close to happening. And then it happened...the real cancellation. woohoo..and yeah I am typing this post while sending and receiving messages of discussion on the matter. This time, the spontaneity fails. Because not many could make it. Hooi has a gig this Tuesday night the 30th. Some busy. Some forbidden. Left me, KY and YW die out of enthusiasm BUT no worries, we've got a new plan. The Penang Hill. You just can't leave the adenosine triphosphates, mitochrondrion and the muscle tissues in such a temperamental keep them moving and rocking. Tamparan hebat.

Hooi on the Trombone, with friends of the Jazz Music
USM Auditorium Dewan Budaya
Tickets: SOLD OUT

sorry babes..

And I want to get this novel, The Dark is Rising by Susan Cooper. The movie is not bad to me, I like that kind of fantasy and magical adventure. heh.

Books haven't I touched/finished:(if I can remember)
-True Sea Stories (man, I'm skipping the chapters already..can't stand the boredom)
-Chicken Soup for Teenager Soul
-The Simple Science of Flight #
-The Black Hole War #
-Mister B. Gone ##
-Shadowmancer ##
-SAS: Are You Tough Enough?
-Harry Potter: Goblet Stone (and after that)
##-Dying to read
#-Eager to read

Fark..I'm so hopeless in reading. Couldn't find the nice time to sit down and read. Laptop. Guitar. Bed.

Both dying to read books are dark fantasy disillusioning writings. And the eager to reads are physics-davinci-einstein-newton-hawking related books. Shit..another one, an e-book of The Elegant Universe by Brian Greene. Fun even has its documentary shows in Discovery Channel.

So, what's up? End of the year. Freaking last days of the year 2008. The aftermath of the Big Bangs. Meaningless but filled with imbalanced impacts. The aspects most affected and infected by alien invisible undiscovered substances: Relationships; education and career; life thoughts.

Upcoming post: The identity of the multi-faceted year 2008 revealed.

Current: Scraped skin(from ridge-free slide). Tanned skin. Burnt skin. Polished white ass. Sculpted muscle. Fun. From swimming. Another one ok, before all of us part again for year 2009. Swimming was never fun this fun, seriously. The best was YW moaning, "pls no pls dun, i will give u money later!" Correct me la if script wrong ahaha

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