Friday, 13 November 2009

81. Epic Love Story

no romance for me please.
but yeah, some armageddon-like action packed earth crust destabilizing volcanic tsunami washing of the sins.

...with the appearance of "B. B King's long lost distant cousin"-look-alike.

wouho, the modern day "arks" have hydraulics and gearings in their systems. And the Antonov super jumpo carrier has many deluxurious cars..sorry I mixed deluxe and luxurious together.

"Engine, start.."

It's a super family love story. A tearless man like me could have cried if they were to show more families drowning.


Good balance as a show on the collapse of the Earth's crust. They kept a balance in the appearance of the actors and scenes of destructions. Exhilirating. My hands were automatically gripped and held in some religious position of meditation. Don't ask me why. It's just sprititual to see the Earth swallowing up human's artworks. hah.

I would want to be in Charlie's position in the time of death. Get the best shot from nature.

Build tall skyscrapers just to see them fall in the end right?

And they should have included Malaysia's famous landmarks to be broken into two or three such as the bridge and some towers.

The President's daughter is ... in the movie.

1 comment:

Dr. Theorist said...

Charlie's pose is super scary for me... Talk about gigantic waves...